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Main logo .png

Absolute Rubbish is the number 1 online global platform in life coaching for young professionals. This the place to find insightful life guidance, without having to spend a fortune.


Absolute Rubbish will remove the barriers of life coaching. We are an accessible, user-friendly and affordable online platform that will help you escape from a feeling of imbalance, as we empower you to start living well - living for yourself.


Our community first approach begins at helping youth instil habits that give birth to a healthier and productive lifestyle. Think about Instagram video lessons, guided workouts accompanied by healthy meal recipes, accountability emails and bi-weekly Q&A sessions that tackle topics such as optimal sleep practices, wardrobe methods and much more.

Step 1 Brainstorm

mood board concept 2 -01.png

Step 2


color palette

Green velvet

Yellow Gold

Millennial Blue

Absolute Pink

Carpet Beige

AR Alternative Logo Transparent-01.png

alternative logo

AR Favicon transparant .png

font palette

Ornette Printed

Red Velvet

Raleway Regular

Graphic Elements .png



WordPress website

Pattern drawing .png

The brand design is inspired by the shapes and colors of the desert and ocean, who are constantly in movement, just like the Absolute Rubbish community. 

The lines of the water and desert in black and white. 

The lines are colored in and changed into shapes.

Pattern 6 .png
Patterns .png

pattern 1

pattern 2

pattern 3

pattern 4

Step 3 Refine



BC mockup 1 .png

business card front side

Signature 2 -01.png

email signature

BC mockup 2 .png

business card back side

Screen Shot 2020-02-11 at 2.31.28 pm.png

social media icons


One-pager PDF

Poster habit tracker mockup .png


Canva freebie mockup .png

So, are you ready to REALLY stand out from the crowd and get seen as the expert so you can have dream clients knocking on your door dying to work with YOU!

How about we create an irresistible + unique brand that grabs your ideal clients’ attention? 

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